The Central Box 210 is a switchboard designed for the complete management of servos in a model. The Central Box can manage two batteries and fully supports the JETI EX telemetry system.
Radiocomando JETI Model Duplex EX DC-16 Generazione II a pulpito, 24 canali, doppio 2,4GHz, modulo 900NG opzionale, schermo a colori, telemetria software in italiano. INCLUDE ricevente REX 10
MVario2 EX is a system that measures atmospheric pressure and using the obtained data it calculates the altitude above sea level, airspeed, and the rate of climb as well as the rate of descent.
Connettori Anti Spark da 4.0 mm ad altissima qualità e doratura solida e affidabile. Certificati per correnti fino a 75amp continui. Ogni confezione contiene due coppie e il termoretraibile necessario.